Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stone Paper?

So I went to Target with some friends by my house.  My mother needed computer paper so my two friends and I went to go looking for some.  Now my friend knows me so well that he purposely went looking for recycled paper.  Which we found.  Then we went searching for some pencils for me.  Instead we found all these eco friendly notebooks and folders and binders.  I instantly bought a notebook to test it out and see if I liked it.  I thought it was cloth paper from the way it felt but in the end it turned out to be stone.  Which I think is really cool.  Also the pages don't fall out easily.  Matter of fact I wanted to rip a page out and it was really hard to do.  Also I folded a page in half and instead of staying it just left the line. SO COOL.  Also pencil writing doesn't transfer on another page which I love.  Only downside is that you can't really erase when you make a mistake but oh well.  I do have to say though I like these notebooks better then all my other ones!! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Burts Bees

I am in LOVE with Burts Bees lip products, since, well, those are the only thing I tried so far using this company.  This company is all natural and animal friendly.  And the tinted chap stick is too die for.  It's not sticky like lip gloss or sparkly but it does give your lips that little extra shine and color.  I think I'd die without it. Okay, rant done about loving Burts Bees.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vegetarianism.. (or as i call it Veggiesss)

So, I am doing some research on becoming Veggie! (my mother bought me a book and I will be getting a ton more soon, she wants me to be a pro before I fully convert!)  What my discoveries were is that people have been veggies for a long time.  This is not a new age thing!!  According to my book:

 Hank Aaron (baseball player)
Louisa May Alcott (Author)
Susan B. Anthony (Suffragist)
David Bowie (musician)
Berke Breathed (Cartoonist)
Leonardo da Vinci (artist, scientist and inventor)
Isadora Duncan (dancer)
Thomas Edison (inventor)
 Albert Einstein (Physicist)
Benjamin Franklin (Founding Farther, scientist, inventor, philosopher, printer and economist)
Mahatma Gandhi (Spiritual leader)
Jerry Garcia (Musician)
Phillip Glass (composer)
Dustin Hoffman (actor)
Desmond Howard (Football player)
Steve Jobs (Founder of Apple Computer) 
Carl Lewis (Olympic runner)
Martina Navratilova (Tennis Champion)
Sir Isaac Newton (Physicist)
Bil Pearl (body builder and four- time Mr. Universe)
Plato (Philosopher)
Pythagoras (philosopher)
Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers Tv show)
Albert Schweitzer (physician and Nobel Peace Prize Winner)
Alicia Silverstone (Actress, I believe she's the one in CLUELESS)
Socrates (philosopher)
Benjamin Spock (Pediatrician and author) 
Biz Stone (Twitter Co-Founder)
Carrie Underwood (singer)

These people are all vegetarians!  This just motivates me even more that becoming Vegetarian is the right thing to do!  **picks up the book and begins reading about different types of vegetarians**

Monday, February 14, 2011


The name is Taylor and I am a part of the project called EcoA (ecoalliance360 but I like EcoA better, I like how it rings off my tongue) Basically this project is to help promote a better lifestyle.  We will go Organic, Eco friendly and Animal friendly.  Also we'll be looking into everything such as vegetarianism and the rules of vegan! Also every once in a while I'll be taking a break on all these tidbit facts and will talk about debate topics in which you can pick the topic and my friend Jayne (also she is the other person in the ecoA project she has a tumblr which is.. )  will discuss the pros and cons and you can chose what side you stand on.  Also we have a youtube channel which is ecoalliance360  so check that out!  (now I am taking what Jayne posted on the tumblr because it's the smart way of saying what we are doing...)

This is a blog about doing a 360 with your life. Turn it around and change your habits. Making the world a better place for every living thing here. Here, you will learn to live healthily, substitute everyday products with eco friendly ones, learn about going vegetarian or vegan, anti- animal testing companies, how to cook healthier, and what you can do to help make this world a better place.